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IR Trans + Mediaportal + Green Button

PostPosted: Fri 17. Apr 2009, 14:08
by mamachan
i have a question.

I use Mediaportal (SO Xp Pro sp3) with Zalman HD160 case with is integrated IrTrans software.

Is possible to map the Green Button on the remote (MCE remote found in bundle with the Zalman HD160) to start Mediaportal directly by IR Trans software.

Now i'm using for that the MPTRAY4IRTRANS plugin (from Mediaportal site), but it not works fine always (sometime i must to restart the plugin).

Thanks for your replays.


Re: IR Trans + Mediaportal + Green Button

PostPosted: Wed 22. Apr 2009, 13:47
by mamachan
YES is possible?
NO is not possible?