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Mixing Older and Newer Ethernet IRTrans Devices

PostPosted: Tue 29. Nov 2011, 05:30
by YoYo

I just received a new IRTrans ethernet module (LAN PoE v2.1, E6.08.10). I already had an older one (Ethernet v1.2 IRDB E5.04.04) which I never really used before.

If the older unit is relaying to the newer unit, all works fine. However, if the newer unit relays to the older unit, it doesn't. It appears when this happens, the older unit goes offline for a few seconds, then comes back. This is verified by continuously pinging it while it is being relayed to.

Sometimes, it will actually get the code transmitted before it goes offline.

Initially, I thought it might be power related, but if I send IR to it with the GUI client, it works fine. It seems to be that it does not like something it is receiving from the newer unit.

Can you offer any suggestions as to what might be the problem?


Re: Mixing Older and Newer Ethernet IRTrans Devices

PostPosted: Tue 29. Nov 2011, 12:44
by IRTrans
newer IRTrans devices do have more IR Codes options and different code formats. The irserver does know that and takes care of it, however that cannot be done when relaying.

You can update the Firmware of your older IRTrans device, that should fix most of these problems.


Re: Mixing Older and Newer Ethernet IRTrans Devices

PostPosted: Tue 29. Nov 2011, 13:53
by YoYo
Thanks, I'll email a request for the firmware update and see what happens.