Firmware for Dvine Ahanix MCE303 VFD

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Firmware for Dvine Ahanix MCE303 VFD

Postby GnatGoSplat » Mon 30. Dec 2019, 04:01

I have an old Dvine Ahanix MCE303 case with VFD that connects via USB and uses IRTrans drivers. It has an ATMEGA32L MCU on it and is plugged into a Samsung HD44780-compatible VFD. One day a few years ago, I found an updated firmware for it and thought I would go ahead and flash it, which proved to be a big mistake as it quit working. The Dvine company was already long gone by that point and their site is gone. I don't suppose anyone would still have a working firmware for this IRTrans board? Only other idea I have is to scrap the board and connect the VFD straight to parallel port, but I would like to salvage the IRTrans board if possible.
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