Because of the wide range of different IR Signals there is no universal IR Receiver for all signals available.
The main difference between receivers is the carrier frequency. The following frequencies are used:
- 32kHz (seldom, only older devices)
- 36kHz (mainly RC5, RC56, RCMM Codes)
- 38kHz (very often used)
- 40kHz (often used e.g. Sony)
- 56kHz (not used very often but becoming more and more popular)
- 455kHz (seldom, mainly used by Bang & Olufsen)
Sadly there is a wide range of sources of IR noise that might disturb receiving of IR codes:
- Plasma TVs (very strong noise, especially for the 455kHz B&O frequency)
- Fluroescent lamps and energy saving lightbulbs
- LCD TVs (seldom)
To avoid such noise we use special noise proof IR receiver.
For B&O singals we do have a special Plasma shielded IR receiver available as an option.
Standard IR Receiver
Normally our IRTrans devices have an 38kHz IR receiver. This receivers allow to receive IR signals in a range of 32-40kHz.
In the mainly used range of 36-40kHz they have a very good range and sensitivity.
Optional Receiver
The following receivers are available as an option:
Plasma shielded 455kHz (B&O) receiver. Available internally only for the IRTrans Translator.
Universal Learning receiver: These receivers can receive IR Codes with carrier frequencies ranging from 10kHz to 65kHz. In addition the carrier frequency of the IR code is measured and stored in the remote file when learning codes. Furthermore these receivers can also measure signals with very short pulse lengths very precisely. These receivers are the optimal solution to learn IR Codes for sending. The receiving range of these receivers is, however, only 0,5m - max. 1m. Therefore they are not suitable to control the PC via IR.
These receivers are available as an optional internal receiver for all IRTrans devices. Furthermore they can be connected externally to all IRTrans devices that have an input for external receiver (IRTrans LAN 2.2 or newer, IRTrans LAN Controller XL). Due to the high operating frequency they only have a cable with a length of 0,25m.
Important: These receivers are only supported with Firmwareversions >= 6.00.00.
Special IR Receiver
On request there are special receivers available (Receiver for very short IR pulses, 56kHz receiver, receiver for very noisy environments).
Support for special IR Receiver
Special receivers are supported with a firmware version >= 6.00.00. This version is available for the following devices:
- USB devices with version 3.6 and 3.8
- Bus modules with version 3.5a
- All LAN modules
- All PoE modules
- All LAN Controller
- All LAN Controller XL
- RS232 modules with Version >= 3.6
- All Mediacontroller
- All Translator (Translator devices without a bootloader have to be upgraded by IRTrans)
For all questions regarding receivers and retrofits you can ask us at