Picking hardware

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Picking hardware

Postby Jansson » Tue 18. Nov 2008, 20:42

I'm having trouble grasping what hardware to pick. I want to make a .NET app that sends IR codes to control my devices. The application should be able to learn IR codes from other controllers, i.e I aim and shot at the receiver and the code gets stored in my application. Can I do this with "IRT-POE-Mod"? And what is the optional database for if I can store the codes locally on my machine?

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Re: Picking hardware

Postby IRTrans » Tue 18. Nov 2008, 22:20

in general every IRTrans Device is able to do what you like.

When learning IR Codes these codes are stored by our Server SW on the PC. That means our application (irserver) will handle all IR Codes and the communication with the IRTrans devices.

The devices with IR Database can also be used without our SW.

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